Our Programs


Area Survey

  • A new village survey for new member be around 15 Kilo meters from the Branch.
  • Collect the village list.
  • Population details have gathered to form new centre.
  • Other MFI details have to collect for the particular listed villages.
  • In that village the staff identify the customers have the dues by the month, twice in a month or week.
  • Classify the people were lived rich, middle class, poor or below the poverty.

CGT-Compulsory Group Training (FM)

  • Member organizes in the village.
  • Staff intro to the members.
  • Explain the company details, (Company name, founder name, Branch details and location etc.)
  • Explain for loan product (Interest rate, LPF, service charges, document fees etc.) Detailly explain the dues to the loan.
  • Explain centre meeting policy.
  • Member’s house visit.

GRT-Group Recognising Test (BM)

  • Explain the product and gradually interacts through asking questions what they known on CGT.
  • Check Aadhaar or any other proof, and door number while member’s house visit.

Centre Meeting Policy

  • Reach the centre meeting place on time or before 5 minutes sharply.
  • Group wise organize the centre meeting
  • Conduct member pledge
  • Staff pledge
  • Taking member attendance by using four colour pens (blue, black, red, green)
  • Collect group wise centre collection
  • Sharing policy or minutes before leaving centre meeting.


  • Must have 100% centre meeting.
  • Increase loan size according the loan amount 10000,12000,15000,20000,22000,25000,27000,30000, 35000,40000,45000,50000.
  • As per the policy who has attendance percentage of more than 80% should be given a loan as regular.
  • who has attendance percentage of more than 50% should be given a same loan.
  • who has attendance percentage of below 50% should be given a minimum loan size.
  • Blood related persons (husband, working son or daughter) If widows (working brother or son) have to appoint as nominee.
  • BM to do loan appraisal before disburse the loan.
  • Which centre meeting has more than 80% should be given SL 5000 to 7000.