Mr.R.DURAISAMY,M.Com.,M.Phil., who has 18 years of experience from GRAMA VIDIYAL MICRO FINANCE LIMITED. He is the Founder of SRI SUBASHREE FINANCIAL SERVICES PRIVATE LIMITED. Formerly known as SUBAM FINANCE, operating in the Tamil Nadu area of South India. Since 2012, it has provided small loans to women without access to formal credit and who typically have daily incomes of less than INR 150 per day. SUBAM FINANCE registered on 01.06.2017 for Pawnbroker’s license On 06.05.2019, registered as SRI SUBASHREE FINANCIAL SERVICES PRIVATE LIMITED and Has present the company’s financial performance to the Audit report (AGM) Annual General Meeting of the company. And newly has promoted SRI SUBASHREE NITHI LIMITED. Mission: Providing financial facilities and services to poor rural and urban women. Vision: Empowering women economically through increased financial services. | |
Mr. R. DURAISAMY,M.Com.,M.Phil.Managing DirectorSri Subashree Financial Services Private Limited Worked as a Grama Vidiyal Micro Finance in Tamil Nadu and has 18 years of experience, Two Years Worked as a Field Manager,One year Worked as Account Manager, 3 Years Worked as a Branch Manager,One year Worked as a Internal Audit Head and 10 years Worked as Divisional Manager. |
Mrs. D. SRIDEVI, B.A.,DirectorSri Subashree Financial Services Private Limited |